3 ways to calm your emotions before your thesis

The kids are in the midst of their exams and theses, so I thought I’d give you three simple ways to calm your emotions before a moment we perceive as important, whether it’s a school exam, a sports competition or a meeting. First we need to understand where emotions come from?

The brain is divided into three major parts (anatomy is more complex but I have chosen to use these three parts so I can explain them in a way that children can understand), the reptilian brain, the limbic brain and the neocortex.Read also You’re a crappy parent, 5 step recipe.The reptilian brain is in charge of instinct and when the impulse is there, you react aggressively (hit, scream), freeze or run away. This is the brain that animals use and that we use in certain situations, such as if we encounter a bear. Most of the time we don’t want to react out of instinct.The limbic brain is thebrain responsible for emotions. When the impulse is here, you cry, laugh, get frustrated or complacent or feel afraid. When the impulse is in this part of the brain we express emotions.

You can’t have a rational discussion with a person who reacts emotionally. You have to wait for them to calm down and connect with the rational part of the brain first. For example when a child is crying and screaming it is useless to try to explain something. You just tell them to take a deep breath and wait patiently for them to calm down.

The neocortex is the part of the brain responsible for reason. With this part of the brain you want to make decisions, This is where you do maths exercises or explain to children that it’s not ok to be late. All parts of the brain have their role and serve us at certain times. At school exams, sports competition or a meeting we want to activate the neocortex to act rationally. Here’s how we can do that.

It’s important to know our body’s signals about emotions so we can manage them. I, for example, have a tightness in my stomach. Where do you feel emotions? What about your child?

  1. Take five deep breaths. As deep as you can, so you give the impulse time to move from the reptilian and limbic brain to the neocortex.
  2. You count in your mind from 100 down or do some hard math. That way the impulse in the brain will move from emotion to reason. Have you noticed that after you start writing on the exam you usually don’t get nervous anymore? That’s the explanation.
  3. Just sit in a strong position for a minute. Strong stance is that body position with your legs slightly apart, chest forward, head up and hands raised to the sky as if you are enjoying something. The same position can also work with hands on hips, like supermen when proud. The pose will fill you with energy and make you more confident in your own strength.

Power posesThe body can influence our mind just as the mind can influence our body. Treat both with respect! …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

November is all about confidence in your own strengths with the Self Esteem workshop – click here to register – from the 16th.11 and Emotional Intelligence – click here to register – from 30.11.Have you made up your mind? Please note, places are limited. The price of a workshop is 100 lei per child. If you register two or more children at the same time a 10% discount applies, the same applies if you register for both workshops (discounts do not cumulate). If you have any questions reply to my email and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible with the information or call me at 0729039511.

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