“I’m a crappy parent” along with “my kid has a problem” are at the top of the biggest worries of parenthood when everyone is asleep. By the fifth parenting book, the fifth article you’ve read, you realise something or other is wrong since your love is screaming, kicking and throwing everything she can get her hands on.
The answer: forget the theory!
Make timeWe all have a long day whether it’s 8 hours of meetings, sitting in front of the computer, glued to the phone and agenda or stuck in a place where you have to learn things sometimes hard, sometimes boring, have to sit on the scanner, in line or at a table with nothing interesting in front of her. And your child is tired! But she still has the joy of reunion and the desire to connect so leave the worries at the desk, the dishes in the sink, the clothes in the washing machine and give her your attention and time. It only takes a few minutes of uninterrupted attention to connect and rebuild the relationship broken over the day. And while we’re at itListen actively and empatheticallyYou’ve let go of the worries, now let go of the instinct to respond or find a solution to everything. Look at your child: how he sits, his clothes, his tone and notice how you feel and how he feels.Communicate authenticallySometimes you just need to shut up and listen that he only has you. Only you can share with him what is weighing him down and he can let go of tension because he knows you will listen without judging him. Other times a lot of questions come up (maybe too many ) but it’s important to let his creativity and thinking develop so that you as the coolest superhero (because only you exist for him) will have to help him. Bonus tips: if you can’t anymore, say so and suggest doing something else together Enjoy it!You have a great kid so do things you enjoy, try new activities, find common passions. You’ll have to lie to each other that building packs, cooking sets and chemistry sets aren’t fun🤣The perfect recipeWant clear quantities and timing? There are none, in parenting it’s to taste! When it comes to people, needs and relationships, the key lies in calibration! Be present, listen, and compromise so that you grow together and maybe even enjoy your relationship.Article written by psych. Diana Butnaru
November is all about confidence in your own strengths with the Self Esteem workshop – click here to register – from 16.11 and Emotional Intelligence – click here to register – from 30.11.Have you decided? Places are limited. The price of a workshop is 100 lei per child. If you register two or more children at the same time there is a 10% discount, the same applies if you register for both workshops (discounts do not cumulate). If you have any questions reply to my email and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible with the information or call me at 0729039511.