Does the child have fighting energy? See 3 games to play at home

With the state in the house children can have a lot of combative energy to expend. What can we play with them so that they consume it in controlled play and not hitting their siblings or people close to them? In English it’s called “roughousing” in Romanian I would call it “hârjoneală”.

1. Defend the sofa – game taken from Otilia Mantelers, education specialist.

This is one of Vlad’s favourite games and I’ve been playing it with him since he was 5 years old and we’re still playing when he’s 12.

I sit in front of the couch. The sofa is my territory. He’s trying to invade my territory and I’m trying to defend it. In other words, he’s trying to get past me. We push each other, we pull each other, along the way we establish more rules of what we are and are not allowed to do. When he was younger I would let him pass so he could gain confidence in his own strength and I would pretend to be hurt and he would laugh his ass off. Now he kinda lets me off the hook and after five minutes I need a break 🙂

2. Get my ball.

We have a sponge ball but you can also play with a stuffed animal. I hold the sponge ball tightly in my arms and Vlad tries to take it from me. We usually roll around on the floor while doing this, we also tickle each other (if we both agree), ride each other and everything else that involves melee to get the object.

3. Wake the sleeping bear

You’re the sleeping bear and you’re lying on the ground covered with a blanket. The child sits comfortably on you as if sitting on the couch and pretends not to know he is sitting on a sleeping bear. You start to move and wake up with body movements, catch him or knock him down.

What other benefits does playing hand-to-hand with children have for them?

  • Develops perseverance, self-confidence and the ability to take risks
  • Develops the ability to adapt to unexpected situations
  • Develops social-emotional intelligence
  • Relieves stress and anxiety
  • Strengthens the parent-child relationship

Check out the online workshop schedule we offer for kids and sign up now! We look forward to having you join us! 🙂

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