What are they doing online? Online safety

Children have access to the net even if we don’t allow them to at home or provide them with the means to access the internet. Colleagues who have phones, older children, brothers, sisters, etc. can give them the opportunity. That’s why it’s very important that they know the basic rules they need to follow to be safe online.

How do we explain to children the risks of exposing themselves online?

What’s involved in having a YouTube channel or watching age-inappropriate content? Do they feel safe online? How do we teach him what information to believe and which to question or that a post sent on social media should be THINK*? (True, Honest, Intelligent (and Interesting), Necessary and Kind). Furthermore, who should they interact with and how should they respond to posts with content that is uncomfortable for them? Sign them up here for workshops on how to surf the internet safely!

At the workshop What am I doing online? Online safety, from 18.05 and 22.05

we will address all these topics, challenging participants to put themselves in different situations to which we will find together the right solution
At the end of the two workshops the children will have explored:

  • Qualities of a social media post: purpose, content, tone, is it ok for me in 20 years?
  • What image are we creating, will I be comfortable in 10 years time having my friends and colleagues see those images?
  • Where do the images and messages we post go?
  • Information we can and cannot pass on

Read also 3 ideas for using the tablet for educational purposes

At the Critical Thinking and Online Safety workshop, 19.05 and 23.05

Because we only manage to reach a fraction of the useful information for children in one meeting, in the second meeting we aim to help them develop critical thinking skills and recognise online bullying.

Critical thinking skills are:

  • Ability to carefully analyse a problem, data set or text etc.
  • Use your intuition and common sense to conclude what is true and what is not.
  • Recognizing bullying, Bullying and Cyberbullying,
  • Recognise when to consult an adult

Click on the link to learn Five tips on how to develop your child’s critical thinking skills

The workshops are dedicated to children aged 13-15 on 8.05 and 9-12 on 22.05. Click on the link to register. The registration fee for both workshops is 90 lei. Places are reserved on payment of the workshop fee. We look forward to seeing you! 🙂

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